Slow Fashion October -What’s in your closet?

My latest me-made outfit! My recently finished Magnolia sweater knit in Northiam and Hythe yarns with @theassemblyline’s new Apron Dress pattern in @raystitch’s gorgeous Crossweave Linen in Fig. I wanted to support other local makers and businesses with this combo!
I’ve been following along with Karen Templer’s great Slow Fashion October again this year and am trying to take part when time allows. As the one-woman-show for this business I have limited time for anything other thank sample knitting when it comes to making. But I have committed to learning to make my own clothes and slowly changing how my relationship to clothes. My goal is to make a wardrobe that feels ‘truly me’ and am finding comfort, colour and utility are key points in this.

As Kettle Yarn Co. I dye ethically sourced yarns in colours I want to wear and all my yarns are tested to wear well for decades. I feel the fabrics I choose need to match my ethical standards as I am expecting them to be with me a long time! One place I alway check for fabrics is @Raystitch – they always have plenty of gorgeous long-lasting ethical fabrics that I know will spend years in my wardrobe.
Their gorgeous Fig crossweave linen is an almost neutral hue – not at all trendy and the colour is beautifully complex. As linens require no chemicals for growth or processing, they have a lower environmental impact and is an incredibly long lasting material, so I’ve been trying to use it as much as I can when I sew. I also only wash my clothes when necessary and then launder in a non bio detergent at 40 degrees or cooler and line dry to cut down I used unnecessary wear.
I’ll write more about this beautiful Apron Dress pattern in an upcoming post if you are interested in learning more about this make.